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Friday, December 17, 2010

The Most Beautiful Dragonfly I've Ever Seen

I spotted this dragonfly during spring this year. I haven't seen such fabulous colours on a dragonfly ever before. Nature has so many secrets up its sleeve...


  1. HI ANKUR,
    watching `NATURE' is truely a stress buster. Nature is the source of inspiration and hope. It calms you and prepare you for the challenges ahead. good work. keep going. Hope to see more nature clicks in the near future.

  2. Thank you so much sir. Nice to hear from you after long long time and that in such an encouraging way. You can't be more correct than what you have already said here. Shall try and put up some more snaps which I have managed to pull out in last few years. Thanks once again!

  3. Hey dude, good pic. did you take it your self? Well the blog name "Major Thought", has it got anything thing to do with your latest rise in rank? In any case its a good idea to blog. keep blogging and posting new snaps.

  4. @Webcrawler,
    Well, I have been 'Major" since I became 18... and as far as my rank is concerned, I am holding this rank since 2005. But to be very frank with you, I don't know anyone with name webcrawler... If you are someone whom I already know then please let me know who you are; else I am glad to know you... and yes, thanks for your praise.

  5. @ 21 Grams --- Dude!! I will give you one clue. We worked together along with another buddy and survived a Mr. Samel!!! Go Figure!!

    BTW what camera gear are you using??

  6. well apart from Mr Samel we tolerated one more guy named Mr Amit Joshi... hahaha

    As far as camera goes I am using age old Sony DSC-H1 with its basic lens that gives me 12X zoom.

    Keep visiting

