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Sunday, December 18, 2011


Dear Friends,

I am writing this because I must share this. For some (or may be many) of you, this may not be a new thing. But for me it is and what I learnt from this must be shared. A poem was return in 1875 by William Ernest Henley (1849-1903) in his book named "Book of Verses". The poet was detected of tuberculosis of bones at age of 12 and at age of 17 his right leg was amputated below knee.While recovering from the amputation surgery he wrote the poem.

Mr Nelson Mandela took immense inspiration from this poem during his 30 years of imprisonment. He used to read out this poem to his fellow jail mates. He used to keep a piece of scrap paper with this poem written on it. As shown in one of the movies, Mr Nelson Mandela shared this poem with the South African Rugby Team captain Mr Fancois Pienaar when the team was preparing for 1995 Rugby World Cup. South Africa won this World Cup by beating a strong and undefeated New Zealand team 15-12. Opinions may vary about this incidence.

Even this is not important. What is important is that the immense power words carry with them. Both, good as well as bad words, have equal potential to  crate or destroy... depends on which side you are standing. In this age of wars and communal/religious hatred fueled by high headed capitalism, we have lost the meaning out of the words somewhere. The sanity, the balance, the sense of judgement, the humanity... every sensible word/phrase in the dictionary feels hollow from inside. There is no point in finding and punishing who is responsible and guilty. Because 20% of all shall be the high and the mighty. Those who criminally misused the power bestowed in them by politics, money or religion to their own selfish benefits. But Also the remaining 80% who remain to keep quiet and remain downtrodden for ages. They didn't realize that the power does not lie in money, position or religion. It lies within oneself. And no matter how dreadful the situation may seem, no matter how hopeless the tomorrow may look like or no matter how lonely one may be against all odds... the power, the real power always and every time comes from your heart, your soul.

We, the India, stand today at the cross junction of many things and values and influences. These are confusing times for sure. And like any other similar situation, in this one also there will be mistakes, self-centered approaches and disadvantage of inexperience. Some decisions will have to be taken and someone has to take them. All of them cannot be correct and just. So  those who's fate is being decided upon by these decisions also hold the responsibility of standing up and raising their voices against what is incorrect. A spade must be called spade, no matter who doesn't agree with you. Responsibility is also of not letting the soul die. Responsibility of gathering courage and digging your heal in the ground to face the powerful winds of challenge. Responsibility of keeping the Invictus an Invictus...

I submit the poem to you...

Invictus (Latin for Unconquered)

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbow'd.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll,
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.

                                                   - William Ernest Henley

For more info on this poem visit 

Thank you.

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